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Just as good as a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Don't buy females drinks at the bar....

It's a waste of money, either they will "creep" or they won't. Spending money has nothing to do with it. With that said, I deployed a little bit of Slick Rick's lyrics this weekend... treat em' like a prostitute.

I have entered the world of Halo 3. Now I've never really thought much of people who start to complain about getting sick or dizzy from video games but yesterday I found out the hard way. It was like someone put my head in a vice grip. When I finally got up and left the game alone, the veins in my temples looked like I just got done bench pressing with my face. I felt like I might cry and remembered the words of Bishop Magic Don Juan "N#gga Please!" It helped, then I made yesterday a very short Sunday by starting my coma at exactly 7 pm.

What is up with friends that get girlfriends and completely put them in front of every other decision due to "Vagin". How dare you... though I speak of my friend Kevin, I see this come true for so many young men in this generation of promiscuity. If they don't constantly blow you off for said "giney" then they bring this person everywhere they go. Situation:

Guy: Hey we're gonna road trip to Wrestlemania(why not? It's a guy thing)

Whipped Guy: Awesome, let me tell Laura!

G: What?!

WG: What, you don't like her?

G: It's not that, I just.... didn't know she like wrestling.

WG: Ah, she's gonna love it.

G: You guys aren't gonna argue the whole time are you? Cause it makes me pretty soft when you guys do that.

WG: Nah, it'll be cool. WRESTLEMANIA!!

(About here is where the first guy should say)

G: Hey never mind man.

WG: What are you talking about? Stop overreacting man.

G: Bros before H-

WG: Stop there man, fine I won't bring her.

G: Sweet, was that so hard? Hey _..

WG: Yeah man.

G: I love you.

WG: Love you too.

(that's just the way any conversation should end)

And they lived happily ever after.

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I blog during work to keep from sleeping. Unless people from my job are monitoring this, in which case "I love my job; I have a family". My dog Max is the man too. Other than that I think reading this blog gives a pretty good idea of what I'm about. Red Jell-o, need I say more.

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