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Just as good as a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cause I'm in love

I could hang out with old friends more
I have no idea who any one is on American Idol
We can go ahead and add Dancing with the Stars to that
I really feel like $#!t when I say goodbye to my dog after I just get home
Gas prices actually matter to me now
I change my oil every time that I turn around
I get to laugh at everyone for free when a lot of people have to pay to see you guys...
or they will
I'm single and often feel very alone
then the Fowlest calls with a new joke to listen
then he tells me to get my @ss out and on a stage
I've seen what can happen to people in very little time
I've also seen that time can be a good thing
Had some spats
(does the name matter?)
Later I remembered that we're all here to laugh
why should comics beef?
Had people do me great favors
I keep that in mind for the moment someone needs something from me
Watched people develop great jokes from thin air
Found laughs in old jokes when I was pretty sure nothing was there
I've shaken like a tree before a contest
I've lost
I've won
Met LOTS of people who are where I wanna be
Almost every one was incredibly kind to me
I think almost every one experiences "Groupie Love" in some form
I've watched Seaton get A LOT of love.... not jealous (you believe me right? nah)
Every boss or co-worker says "Don't write a joke about me"
Do we ever?
I've complained about how Curt or someone else runs their room
I try to keep that feeling in mind with Spy Lounge
Eli is the man
I'm pretty sure I remember seeing Hampton's first time at Wiseacres
feels weird looking back on that now
I remember when Kojo and Tim were like Siamese twins
they might be less cohesive now but still went the same way
There was a time that I never wanted to go to open mics without a friend
now a lot friends are already there
I worry a lot less about women
I worry more if my jokes will be funny enough to walk offstage and get one
Rascals, Baltimore Improv, Riot Act - I remember
I remember seeing Rory on TV with Herbie
Can't wait to see Erin's turn
I'm pretty sure I hit on Ayanna Dokie one night
if I can't remember well, clearly it didn't go that well
On two occasions I've slept on the streets on Times Square
both of those are probably my favorite nights in comedy... didn't even perform those nights
I've been heckled in front of my mother, I've bombed horribly
Had audiences laugh so hard they confused me (1st Amendment auditions)
I used to get lost, literally, every time I left the house for comedy
Now I park without paying everywhere I go
I get stuck sometimes thinking "What's next"
I get to got to Canada next week and all I have to think about is performing
I've spanked Schlegel in Gears of War
that was 10 minutes after he held my hand through Rainbow Six Vegas... I sucked
Been handed a check
Been handed a handshake
Some of these things are terrible
But the joy I feel from remembering the good is irreplaceable
I have a feeling that most of you know what I'm talking about
I'll see you guys around...
I was talking to the Fowlest the other day and most times I feel like we get so caught up with what's ahead that we don't look back at what we've done. No matter how new you are there is something that you look back at and say "I did that, I didn't think I'd ever have the chance to..." A lot of people have put more years into this than me, and I've got a little time on some out here, but I really get a little blown away when I think about the last couple of years. I've seen clique come, and clique move on. Doug Powell, Joe Robinson, James Jones, any other comic that we don't get to see anymore. Look back for a second and think about what you've witnessed. Next year what are we gonna be talking about? Seaton, Tim, Mike Way, Weems, I seriously doubt that they will all be around next year. New York or Cali? Who knows. Will Leslie Cooley stab someone, the twinkle is definitely in her eyes. Atif might start a popular open mic. Sampson might not be wearing muscle tees anymore. I doubt that one though, it's all love Sampson. I just want to be funny, I could live with that for 2009. I think I'm good for today, more non-sequiturs tomorrow. Just thought for once I'd give food for thought.


Anonymous said...

Who knows I might start an open mic and i will call it comicview. then i will get sued for three wings and a million dollars!! that was ignorant good blog, and yes he does wear high waters.
- Atif aka the worst name in the game

Anonymous said...

That was so beautiful Tyler. Alot of people won't be seeing me anymore, but reflections like this will help me remember why I loved doing it, even for a little while.

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I blog during work to keep from sleeping. Unless people from my job are monitoring this, in which case "I love my job; I have a family". My dog Max is the man too. Other than that I think reading this blog gives a pretty good idea of what I'm about. Red Jell-o, need I say more.

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