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Just as good as a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Some people just want to watch the world burn...

Let me start by saying that I saw Iron Man on Friday night.... my God. Write this down, April 30 2010 is IRON MAN 2. Marvel announced it today as well as the next 4 movies: Thor (about 1 month after Iron Man 2), and in 2011 (nerds grab something) The First Avenger:Captain America, and lastly about a month after that The AVENGERS!!!! for those not familiar with the Avengers, that was not for you but to all my geeks the Avengers will be Captain America, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Ant Man, Iron Man and Nick Fury. For those that did not go see Iron Man, Nick Fury is Samuel Mutha-F8ckin-Jackson!!!! Bring on 2011...

They ripped down that trailer from my last blog, but now the Dark Knight trailer is officially out there so ....

F*ck this heat. It was bright at 6 am, is this what we've done to the world? I really don't want to live in a world of "Forever Sun". F*ck the Sun. F*ck it to death. Praise be to the wolf.... cause he hates the Sun.

Watched 30 Days of night on Saturday. Actually loved that movie, and I am not one for vampire movies but that's good shiggity. All praise be to the wolf. It's getting funnier to me every time I say it.

Welcome Jermaine's, I mean the Fowlest, stankin' @ss back from Canada tomorrow. You know that n*gga ain't got no friends. Don't tell him I said that though. He's violent as $#!t, straight smacked me for no reason. Then couldn't even explain why he did it. Just disrespects for fun, cause he can. Praise the wolf.

My eyes are way too red in the mornings. No one ever asks me "You on that $#!t?" Do I not look like a smack addict?

Mondays are gayer than Little Richard. Oddly, I don't think I've ever heard any interviewer call him out. Same goes for Richard Simmons. Note to self: don't name your child Richard, seems to be popular among the gays. Must give the child a fighting chance. It's bad enough he'll be so damn pretty.

At some point I actually started to utilize e-mail. I think back now on times where I thought it was pointless. I'm reminded of my Grandmother writing a check several months ago. The line was long and I commented, "Why are you writing a check, this ain't 1975. Get a check card." Her only response was, I don't trust that. That's what it's like to fight technology, it'll turn you into a 70 year old black woman. Don't fight the future, all praises due to the wolf.

Do not trust men who wear short sleeved dress shirts. So it is written, so it shall come to pass. Quote the wolf, nevermore.

I'm gonna run this wolf thing into the ground before the day is out.

My pants are vibrating.... nope, phantom phone vibration.

Nelson came up with a brilliant new way of playing rock, paper, scissors. 1,2,3,... punch them in the face meat. You always win. It's a game built on being proactive. Now you have the tools, go make a sandwich. The wolf like PB & Janks.

I'm gonna go since I've run out of wolf-liners.

Wolfem Salam to my Muslim brothers


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I blog during work to keep from sleeping. Unless people from my job are monitoring this, in which case "I love my job; I have a family". My dog Max is the man too. Other than that I think reading this blog gives a pretty good idea of what I'm about. Red Jell-o, need I say more.

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