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Just as good as a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Fox Five is around the corner?! Get outta my way b*tch!

Last night was actually a good night at Spy Lounge, which is only weird to me since Fox was over at Chief Ike's. $#!t, even I was tempted to run over, but I was too late and knew I wouldn't get on anyway. Curses, but non-the-less we had a cool sized crowd (wtf does that mean?) and they were attentive and laughing. Can't ask for more right? Wrong, big ti**ted women always make a good time classic.

Nothing feels better than answering your phone and getting the "if that's another female I'll f*cking kill you" talk", even when they don't really mean it, it's sexy. You never though, she might kill. Praise be to the wolf.

Marvel has announced the characters they are pretty sure will be in THE AVENGERS. The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and Ant-Man.... with Samuel Jackson as Nick Fury. Oh 2011, why do you taunt me? You whore.
There's a pregnant woman that I'm pretty sure is "coming on" to me..... gross. I hate kids.

Dear Mr. Chipotle,

I am pretty new to your restaurant, and even though I heard McDonald's owns it, it think it's pretty swell. How did you make so that every minute that your place is open there's a line wrapped around the inside? That's incredible. You prices aren't that bad and on behalf of all that like a good beer with their semi-authentic Burritos/Tacos, good look my n*gga. I have to be honest I don't know what's happened but lately I can't stay away from your restaurant. And I don't even eat out like that, I'm f*cking cheap. The reason I'm writing you is that on Sunday, for the first time, your restaurant made me get up and drive 15 minutes just to get some late night tacos. I bought late night tacos at 4 pm. I really don't know what you put in them but after my doobie snacks, I enjoyed your delicious meats like a barbarian. Corn spilling from the back of the taco, I recall catching falling taco stuff and shoving it into my mouth with my hand. I had to watch my hands after that, it was a lot of "taco stuff". When I woke up yesterday I was willing to be late to work, because your tacos don't leave much time to scramble for a toilet. Don't even get me started on traffic. I'm not really sure how many times I sat on a toilet yesterday(at least 10 and two different PUBLIC bathrooms.... UGGGG), but I do know that two times I had to jump in a shower when I was done. I can't recall anything stinging my anus with such a bite. I've been gushing like a woman on her monthly and I don't even mind. All that I hope is that you receive this, and break me off some free taco meat (Hehe).

Still pissing outta my ass,

TRich Baby

I hate when Travis Irvine looks me in the eyes, it makes me feel like he wants to date.... but he'd probably stand me up. Flirt.

"I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me... but it's hard to stay mad, when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst... And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... you will someday. " - Lester Burnham

I've posted that quote before and just wanted everyone to see it and really reflect for a moment. Every second of every day is a gift, treat it like one from time to time. The people we meet, the faces of those we'll never see again, those who inspire us and those we inspire... I might have gone a little (or a lot) soft, but be happy for a moment. You have every reason to feel good. See you guys tomorrow.


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I blog during work to keep from sleeping. Unless people from my job are monitoring this, in which case "I love my job; I have a family". My dog Max is the man too. Other than that I think reading this blog gives a pretty good idea of what I'm about. Red Jell-o, need I say more.

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