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Just as good as a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Two blogs for the price of...wait these are free. S#!t

Okay, I got a little busy with "work" yesterday so here is what I missed and today's:

Tuesday's Blog of Strength: Last night was cool, seems like we can either have a lot of comics at the Spy Lounge or we can have some audience members. One day the two shall meet and OOOOHHHH! that's gonna be nice. One thing that everyone says is important and I have always hated is hosting an open mic. You'll feel like a dick if you yell "Hey shut up in the back and let's have some comedy... $#!t." But, if you do nothing then people slowly start sliding you an eye like "Shut them the f@ck up... $#!t." If I only I had a robotic arm, then they'd fall in line... or die by handshake. (insert evil orgasmic laughter here) That's nice.

Atif... there's a topic. Moving on.

Today I'm sitting in my cube of shame with a "Slave Fro", I referred to someone bringing that back in style last night(look up a little) and then I feel asleep without a du-rag on. My hair is a little to long at the moment to just crawl in bed and jump out to go to work. Why didn't I wake up earlier? "A n*gga was tired as $#!t this morning" Why don't you get a hair cut "To avoid ignorant banter about Barack Obama(love Hayword's new bit) "How's your leg? "A little cramped, thanks for asking" (Sorry, I got off topic. I like asking myself questions.)

Well it's been confirmed Taye Diggs is gay. No, he's not.... that was pure jealousy.

Wednesday's blog, which should turn you on... then off: Well it's nice to see we're all caught up. I'm trying to relax today and get some good cubicle sleep so I'll be alert for my drive tomorrow. Internal promotions are a lot easier on the employee than regularly quitting a job, but there are still odd instances where you feel like you're quitting. I was in a meeting last week where a few new policies were discussed and some housekeeping rules were laid out on paper. fortunately I'm just about out of here so I sat and laughed to myself. The laugh of a man who has spent 3 years on the grill and just found out that he got a job outside of Mc-e-D's, there's a little (rhymes with joygasm) in that laugh. And, when he feels he's laughed long enough he goes to the bathroom to skim the scum from his BVD's.... lot of laughter in them draws. And, don't act like that wasn't a long way to go for a S#!t joke... cause it was. Sorry

We're gonna have a BLACK president. Yes.

If you haven't seen Gone Baby Gone, do.
Ways I could die happy:

  1. Smothered in boob

  2. Collapsing after swearing at a mime

  3. Exhaustion from slapping a flesh covered robot... Nelson

  4. Choking on anything from Wendy's

  5. High fiving Barack Obama, while he's assassinated

  6. Mauled by Sasquatch after selling his picture, in my mansion

  7. Stabbed while stabbing a Furry

  8. (insert random joke about being in U of Illinois whilst killer came through door... it's too soon)

  9. Watching a clown beg for his family's lives. Then killing me when I killed them anyway.

  10. In a battle for Dragonballs

  11. Being any important character on 24, that show is to be worshipped

  12. Shot while watching 6'7 jail-looking black man "Crank dat Soulja Boy"

Okay, well it's time for me to resume the workday. I'll try to think of something worthwhile, like freedom, to write about tomorrow... but probably won't.


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I blog during work to keep from sleeping. Unless people from my job are monitoring this, in which case "I love my job; I have a family". My dog Max is the man too. Other than that I think reading this blog gives a pretty good idea of what I'm about. Red Jell-o, need I say more.

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