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Just as good as a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

And she was beautiful....

I saw Sweeney Todd last night, I must say I was impressed. Not by Johnny Depp, cause I would jump in front of a metaphorical bullet for the man(Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas... Thank you Mr. Depp), but more with Tim Burton. I generally don't enjoy his work, not because he's not dark enough but because I always feel like he could do a little better. Except for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, he could have just left that alone. Gene Wilder forever baby! But, Sweeney Todd was perfect from start to finish and Helena Bonham Carter was great, probably my favorite part of the movie. If you find yourself in a Best Buy or a Blockbuster, just pick it up.... and steal it. Don't question whether Gnarls Barkly's 2nd album The Odd Couple is good, "That s#!t is straight sex!"- George W. Bush I don't really know why George would curse like that just to say that he liked it but Danger Mouse definitely hooked up the beats and then Cee-lo killed it. Favorite track as of right now: Neighbors I took pictures of my Dog while we were out, I had this whole "let's meet Max" idea, then I forgot my phone at home... we'll get back to that I guess. Big nuts, that's all I'm gonna say, he gets it from his Dad. They say that Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I agree cause I've seen some pretty big mismatches, but damn I'd like to marry someone that only I thought was pretty. Not cause I want her to be ugly, just cause it would be incredibly easy to convince her that YOU think she's the most beautiful woman in the world. Cause really, who the f*ck else is telling her that she looks good today?! Just had a woman in a pants suit walk by and parade her dozen roses for... well I don't know why she was flaunting them. Must be a woman thing, could it be that they see another woman happy with trinkets and think "I should have roses, I'm calling Larry. When's the last time that he treated me special like that? F*ck that, I'm getting some roses next week". And, when the roses come they take "The Strut of 1 dozen roses" down the 5th floor and back again. Letting other females know they got trinkets too, and keeping the cycle of wanting insignificant s#!t going. Can't live with'em, can't live without'em. Just can't f*cking stand 'em.
Something about this album cover just seems wrong. But I can't help but smile. I imagine his mother thinking "He was so precious" and then "Why did my baby get so many tattoos?"

Justin Cousson wears high waters, there I said it.

That wasn't true, but I'm into random hate these days. It's just funny to me. Sorry Justin, unless you actually wear them. Cause then I'm not sorry.

I need a new hobby... like prayer.

Co-workers are the only friends that really make me nervous. At any given moment you are one laugh/joke away from being asked to come down to HR. Someone could have the sickest humor you've ever seen, but then you crack a joke about a dead girl and find out that their daughter was killed. Which is why I only talk to one of my team members, who I knew before my promotion. Everyone else gets a big stupid grin from me as they walk by and the usual casual gab. But one day.... Nude run down the hallway. I'll be fired of course, which is why I'll have to have another job for that run. "Oh my God, he's naked. Uggg!, he's swaying in so many directions all at the same time!" Cause I'm blessed.

Well that's gonna do it for this portion of non-sense. We'll chat on Hersday.


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I blog during work to keep from sleeping. Unless people from my job are monitoring this, in which case "I love my job; I have a family". My dog Max is the man too. Other than that I think reading this blog gives a pretty good idea of what I'm about. Red Jell-o, need I say more.

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