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Just as good as a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Hersday!

I don't know about you, but I thought Wiseacres was a lot of fun last night. Could be that the room was full of familiar faces and everyone was having a good time, or it could be cause we got to witness Schlegel tear a huge man to pieces. Ah, Wednesdays... shame that it's already Hersday. Oh, that's right, I said last week that I'm done callin' it by any other name it's Hersday from now on.
Micheal Clark Duncan will be playing Balrog in the Street Fighter Movie.... quite simply "a big dude".
More while I notice attractive women, I feel myself transform into the wolf from Droopy's old cartoons. Getting that's just part of getting grown... and being surrounded by beautiful women 8 hours a day. Women should pass a rule where they don't smile at men they aren't attracted to. It would finally let men know exactly where they stand, cause if she's straight faced the whole time you're talking to her, she don't want the d*ck. "I think that Susan on the third floor likes me" How do you know? "She was smiling at me the whole time we were talking earlier!" Good S#!t, but you know it ain't no fun if the homies can't have none... (we'll move on but assume that conversation ended in a choo-choo train)
By the way, that baby in this picture to the left is alive(in the picture) and victim of a rare disease known as Harlequin disease. Find out more here:
Whoever started this trend of jeans and heels is a saint. It distracts the S#!t out of me on Fridays but still SO looked forward to.

The only thing I hate about being new on the job is that it always feels like people are shoving their work off on the new guy so you can "get used to the daily grind". While that's helpful, we've all been on the other side and when someone new gets here someday, I'm gonna give them every last bit of my work... then I'm gonna go see the doctor downstairs and take a nap.

Now let's take a moment for a virtual hug. Ah.

I've had a pretty terrible week, but interestingly enough I've had the best sleep I can remember. Everyday this week I've gone to bed and it feels like I've been sleeping in a hyperbolic sleep chamber. It's really good, not even sexual dreams just happy sleep where you wake up smiling. I wish I could go to sleep right now, but I better stop talking about a nap before I pass out mid- blog.

I've got to make my long stroll to get some Cherry Coke so I guess this is where we'll say good bye. Enjoy this Hersday and be safe cause tomorrow is March 21st!!!!.... and it's Friday.


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I blog during work to keep from sleeping. Unless people from my job are monitoring this, in which case "I love my job; I have a family". My dog Max is the man too. Other than that I think reading this blog gives a pretty good idea of what I'm about. Red Jell-o, need I say more.

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